The Ferocious hunter waiting for its next preyExcuses auto-drivers of Chennai give to justify the double-(at times triple, at times even more than that)-the-normal-rate fares for the great service they provide to their nation (Chennai-istan) :

4-7am: "Early morning, Saar.."
7-11am: "Morning time, return sawari" (!!)
11am-4pm: "Afternoon-time, Saar.."
4-7pm: "Evening time, Saar..rush hour heavy traffic..."
9pm-2am: "See the time, Saar..." (I guess by that time they get too tired to let us know what time of the day it is.)
I've never boarded an auto between 2-4am, so I can't really tell you what they tell then. But, to tell the truth, I'm rather happy not to have experienced
that. I'd rather spend those two hours on the streets than ask one of these guys "How much?". I have a mild heart-condition, you know.
Oh, and the best one...happened today at around 7.30pm when I wanted to come from Saidapet to Insti; the autowalah straightaway asked only 100 bucks, and this is what I got as a prompt explanation (I believe this is what they say during 7-9pm):
Happy hour, Saar..." (!!!!!!!!)
P.S.: Thanks to this fellow for capturing Chennai in its true colors ( a certain extent).Labels: chennai