The other side of things

Monday, September 03, 2007

Five things..

..that I absolutely HATE about girls:

(1) When they call you "Dude.."

Yeah fine, it sounds kinda cool when coming from a guy, but sounds more like "get to your senses, you freak" when a girl says this*.

*You have to actually listen to it (under un-preconditioned circumstances) yourself to understand what I mean. Or, for that matter, even an un-preconditioned reply in a chat console will serve the purpose.

(2) When they are out on a dinner with you and they start making strange faces to a baby toddling nearby

I'm paying for the dinner and I'm paying it with time and money to enjoy your company (and the food, of course); NOT to see a retarded kid smile* at your ridiculously retarded facial expressions.

*FYI, they must be smiling at those weird things hanging from your chest or the weird things you've put on your face and eyelashes and lips, NOT because you are inherently funny and/or lovable. (Otherwise, why would they never smile at me when I try to do all that?)

(3) When you say something like "I love you more than anybody has ever loved someone else" to one of them and she just replies "Me too"

Be creative, woman! It takes a LOT of time and effort for a guy to come up with a line that original!! Respect it, at least, if you can't be that creative yourself!!!

(4) Their stupid assumption that any guy is more than willing to have sex with each and every one of them..
(5) ..and the way they try to see and judge each and every little thing any guy does from that perspective.

Oh for God's sake, ladies!! We have our choices!!!!


P.S.: As if I wasn't pissed off enough already, I found this video here. I hate animes. More than that, (or rather, more specifically,) I hate bunny-women. Most of all, I the hate jobless chinky buggers with weird fetishes who'll do anything to get a whacky video up on youtube and earn themselves quite a repertoire. This had a combo of all three.



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