The other side of things

Saturday, November 11, 2006


There seems to be quite a bit of demand for the short story which I wrote for my Creative Writing presentation...LOL!!

Ok, I've shared it online. You can download it from here.
(Heck, it's only some 28KB!!)

If you have troubles with the link, don't worry, I'll put it up in my website too. (the updated site will be up and running pretty soon)

Happy reading!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Comics (Part I) - Pearls before Swine

Like I said, I love comics!

Today onwards, I'd like to feature some "not-so-famous" (at least, amongst my friends!) strips that I find really amazing!

First, the fascinating Pearls Before Swine by Stefen Pastis. Pastis is God when it comes to sarcasm, dark humor and wordplay. Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) rates him very highly.

PBS revolves around the antics of (mostly) a megalomaniac Rat and his super-dumb (but super sweet) friend Pig. Click here for the official "curtain-raiser" to the strip!

Other important characters are the Goat (the most sane character with strong political opinions and who writes a blog which nobody reads), the Zebra (a wise one, mind you, who is worried about the plight of his brothers in Africa who get eaten relentlessly by Crocodiles and Lions), the fraternity of Zeeba Zeeba Eaters (a bunch of super-stupid crocodiles who device hilarious plans to kill and eat their "Zeeba neighba") and, of course, Pig's personal security, the Duck.
More info on the characters here.

Some of the strips:

Pig and his unbelievable stupidity:

A small 'series' that kinda made me think why somebody feels bad when he's called a Dog ;-) :

An example of how to bring out non-sensical humor from the deepest trenches of absurdity. The last one in the series had me split into pieces due to uncontrollable laughter:

The Zeeba Zeeba fraternity. They Rock!!:

An example of Pastis' proper PJ-level wordplay:

An amazing thing about Rat is the way he makes fun of his creator (Pastis, who at times makes "guest appearances" in the strip too!) and regards his as a jobless bloke with a terrible sense of humour. Why, he even quit the strip once upon a time!

I just love the "crossover"s (when characters from other comic strips make an appearance in PBS.) They're too funny! I'll write a seperate blog entry on them later. Even some celebs keep making "guest appearances" in this strip, usually to get ridiculed like anything!

Go to for recent strips (updated daily). PBS archive can be found at here . These guys have all the strips from Jan 2004, I guess. The Wikipedia article on PBS is very informative. However, it says that the strip startetd on 31st Decmber, 2001, while the earliest strip I have dates back to as far as 23rd February, 2001!

Just before I sign off for the day, here's one of the first strips that I saw when I found PBS. Made me fall in love with Pig instantly! Isn't he just adorable :-)?

More later.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Sorta put up an achievement of sorts today, solving MS Minesweeper Expert level in 158 seconds!

I lost some 20 seconds due to a pesky wingmate knocking on the door like all hell had broken loose and then asking some trivial information. Hell will take good care of him, I hope.

Initially had the intention of pulling it down to less than a hundred, but gave up after this happened :-(

Some Tragedy, no?
Was really left heart-broken after that. And to think of it, it occured after putting a complete night-out (still haven't slept; my system's taking quite a beating now) entirely devoted to the game!

Well, a day (and night) spent reasonably well, in my books ;-)

Would have been happier if I could break the 100 secs milestone that I had set myself last night (when I started off). Somethings just won't happen, damn it!

And to think of it, I hadn't even solved Minesweeper Expert level ever before that!!
My records for beginner and Intermediate were 3 secs and 94 secs (LOL!) respectively.

Far from a world-record (38 secs for Expert Level!!), though. Check out the current "best-ever" timings here.

Still a long, long way to go before I can enter the list itself!

So, until we meet again!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Blogging again?


Why? Totally Jobless kya?

Well, more than that, actually. Last time, I took up blogging mainly because it was a "happening" thing and all I wanted was to be part of the "happening" crowd. Since it wasn't driven by a genuine cause as such, it didn't go anywhere.

So you're saying that this time things gonna be different?


So, what all things can we expect here?

Mostly gonna contain my experiences as a would-be engineer and a wanna-be guitarist. Also gonna showcase some of my artwork (mostly cartoons, and maybe a few decent digital creations as well). Some of my thoughts on certain issues. Links to stuff on the net which I found interesting. Fascinating lyrics from songs. Inspiring quotations. Blah blah blah.

What's with the strange name (URL)?

Sometimes you gotta be strange if you gotta be unique. No special reasons as such. Struck my mind, sounded decent, wasn't taken already by some other blogger, so stuck to it.
And yeah, I love ice-creams. My favourite flavours are Vanilla, Strawberry, Litchie and Butterscotch. I have a weakness for Orange Ice-Candies.
I also like screaming out loud at times. Especially when listening to Audioslave, Pearl Jam and the likes. Screaming vocals really give me a high.
Yeah, lame logic. But that wasn't how the name came into existence. It just struck my mind and it liked it. That's why it's there. Period.

Can people below 18 view this blog?

No. Close your eyes, kids.

Are you political?


Do you love Rosogolla and hate Greg Chappell like other fellow bongs?

I love Rosogollas and don't like Greg Chappell. But I think if you ever get to taste one, and try to critically analyze the "contributions" of that retarded Australian towards the Indian Cricket team (the highlights being spoiling the fantastic talent of Irfan Pathan and completely jeopardizing the batting order, that is), you'll do the same too. Has very little to do with being a "Bong" as such.
And yeah, Ganguly should've led the team at least till the ICC Champion's trophy. Dravid's a great player, but the team needs leaders when it comes to crunch situations.

Should same sex marriages be permitted by the law?

I don't understand why the law has to get even bothered with such issues. As long as people's doings are not harming the non-fanatics in any manner, it's fine with me. There are much more serious concerns that need to be dealt with (things like extracting taxes and overdue bank-loans from the rich defaulters, internet laws, privacy acts etc.)

Are you single?


Ready to mingle?

Ready to wait for the perfect woman.

I wanna ask you out for a date.

Easy. Put fight, get my phone number, get in touch with me, impress me with your intelligence and you're on for the best time of your life. If you're still thinking as to how to get the number...well, don't bother. despo bisexual don't even know whether I'm a guy or a girl...

The last statement proves that even if I were bisexual, you still wouldn't have been worth it. Next question please.


Guess we have run out of questions. We'll call it a day, then. Thanks for asking. Cya in my upcoming posts, which are definitely going to be much more interesting.